Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Starting over

I started this blog months ago, and then ignored it. Writing used to be one of my passions, but after fifteen harrowing years in management at a Fortune 500 company, I fear that I am close to being brain dead. Hopefully, it’s just sensory overload. Receiving fifty to a hundred e-mails per day that have to be responded to immediately doesn’t leave much room for creativity. But, praise be, I’ve left that job behind, so I’m sitting here waiting for the creative juices to begin flowing again, like a sugar maple after my winter of discontent.

I read this and it sounds so stupid, but one has to begin somewhere. For several years I told my husband that he should start blogging. He resisted until one day I showed him a couple of sites and told him he could do a better job. He rose to the challenge, perhaps on shaky legs at first, but now he’s been blogging consistently for the better part of a year.

I think I’ll give it a try.

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