Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Maisie Comes Inside

It got cold and started to snow Monday, so by Tuesday morning, Maisie, one of the outside cats, decided she finally had enough and wanted to come in.  It's a bit earlier in the year than usual, as Maisie will stand the cold better than she will stand another cat.  Somewhere along the line, she must have been cornered by another cat and taught a lesson she refuses to forget...cats cannot be trusted.  Her forays into the house are usually accompanied by hisses and back arching even before she's seen another cat.  This of course arrouses curiosity in the three house cats, especially Emma Lee, who will come bouncing down the stairs from wherever she has been to greet the interloper.  A scenario that has repeated itself every winter for the past five years, with clawless Emma yet to harm Masie who still has all of her claws.  Emma usually doesn't get that close, but that hasn't stopped the hissing.  After a while the indoor cats lose interest and our dog, Ranger takes up his place guarding the door and Maisie in turn.  That she is being protected by her natural enemy does not bother Masie, in fact it makes her feel more secure.  It makes me wonder, are there any correlations between Maisies actions and our own, perhaps fearing the ones we should trust and trusting the ones we should fear?  Curious!

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