Friday, November 20, 2009

Pass the Drumstick, Please!

The table is set, we're ready for guests to arrive....wait a minute...that was a time long ago.  Long ago when I used to do the entire Thanksgiving dinner by myself, and threatened anyone else who dared to bring another dish as it would wreck havoc with my menu.  This year we've been texting, calling and e-mailing for a week to determine who is going to bring what.  I'll still be doing the turkey, dressing, and cranberry sauce, but the rest of the dinner for eighteen will be doled out among family who will be coming.  Today at rehab we were taking about our mothers and aunts preparing Thanksgiving dinner in the past.  All of a sudden I was back in my grandmother's living room waiting for my mother and her sisters to finish up the last minute touches so we could enjoy the fruit of their labor.  That generation, with the exception of my ninety year old mother is gone, and I'm not sure those of us that followed did a very good job of picking up the pieces.  I missed the holiday with family until we moved back to Kansas ten years ago.  That's when I hosted the first Thanksgiving dinner prepared by myself...just ten short years.  Now there are others, almost the age that my mother and aunts were in that memory, who are ready to do their part, and I'm ready to pass the torch, or at least the drumstick.

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